My Inner Peace

A sunset to remember

Third day in Thailand, was about food and sunset. This time, the food was painful. I had again grilled squid with garlic in another restaurant, and I asked specifically to have everything prepared not spicy. Guess what? They gave me two sauces, one sweet that was in reality spicy like Hell for me, and the other one, just garlic sauce, with some black pepper inside. This was the perfect combination to transform my mouth in a room of fire. And to calm down my taste sense, I added some French fries that helped me reduce the spicy flavor. The food was looking very good, but the spiciness reduced the sight effect. 

Sansabai Seafood, Patong, Thailand, 2019

The good part of the day, was to go on the beach and just relax watching the sunset while swimming. It was a bit cloudy, but this was the most important detail the local nature added to our pictures.  

Patong Beach, Thailand, 2019

Swimming under the sunset, was a perfect feeling! The sun is kind, the water is warm and the scenary looks like a fairytale.

Patong Beach, Thailand, 2019

Sitting there, listening the sound of the Ocean and doing nothing, just be one with the nature, raises you to another level of conscience. You feel directly the power of nature, and the amazing taste of freedom. You understand there is nothing that can separate you from the creation itself, and all the worries are left behind.

This brings you to a self realization at a deeper level, that your life follows the same cycle. The manifestations of certain actions or situations are born like a sunrise and are dying like a sunset, over and over again.

Patong Beach, Thailand, 2019

To be continued…

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