Camino de Santiago, Guided Group April-May 2020

Camino Frances is the oldest path to Santiago de Compostela, the beautiful city protected by Saint James, one of the 12 Apostles of Jesus Christ.
Its unique beauty lies in the greatness of the 6th Northen regions of Spain, hidding a profound magic that accompanies the pilgrim inner transformation towards himself. Walking this path for approximately 25-28 days (according to the group’s rhythm), we will be witnessing an entire inventory of the creation diversity. Mountains, hills, the endless mesetas, rivers and vine varieties raising from a red soil (La Rioja) are the sources of a great energy filling you up everyday.
All these and much more can be found on this route towards Santiago de Compostela. And from there, if we still can (and I’m sure we will 😊) and if the time alows it, we can walk towards Finisterre, to meet the magic Atlantic Ocean.
To be able to meet the needs in terms of time of the people willing to walk this path, we have to versions available. Depending on the availability of the majority of the people registered for this group we will start walking the longuest path of 33 or 32 days (in case we exclude the day spent to walk cross the Pyrenees), or the shortest path of 24 days.

The extended period of time is 33 days. We can either start walking in Saint Jean Pied de Port (France) crossing the Pyrenees towards Roncesvalles (Spain), or start walking in Roncesvalles in which case the extended period of time will count 32 days.
- 2 days of transportation to the meeting point and from Santiago de Compoatela back home
- 29 or 30 walking days (minimum)
- 1 day resting and visiting Santiago de Compostela. The resting days number will be decided at group level according to the walking rhythm towards Santiago and taking into consideration the option of walking or not to Finisterre.
Budget: 1800 EUR* including the following:
- Bus ticket Finisterre – Santiago de Compostela
- Accomodation in albergue
- Spiritual guidance
IMPORTANT!!! The Budget does NOT include:
- Transportantion to the meeting point (flights, bus tickets etc.). However, this can be arraged upon request but will be charged seperatly according to the ticktes price.*
- Daily meal estimated to a minimum cost of 750 EUR per pilgrim (we do not include here 4-5* restaurants 😊) for all 33 days.
- Personal expences (entree fee to certain touristic obiectives, suvenirs etc.)
*We welcome people from any part of the world, and according to the traveling distance the price will be different, that’s why we cannot estimate a traveling cost.

The detailed schedule is the following:
April 25 – transportation to the meeting point: Saint Jean Pied de Port or Roncesvalles, according to group’s decision.

April 26 – start walking the Camino towards Santiago de Compostela.

IMPORTANT! For a medium rhythm, we estimate to reach Santiago de Compostela after approximately 25 days (if we start in Roncesvalles) or 26 days (if we start in SJPP).
May 20* or 21st we reach the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. Here we decide if we walk further for other 90 km to Finisterre or we take the bus, and according to this decision we see also how many days we can stay in Santiago de Compostela.
May 20* or 21st we visit and rest in Santiago de Compostela, based on the decision taken (to walk or not to Finisterre).
May 21st – May 24* (or 22nd-25), 3 days walking from Santiago de Compostela to Finisterre. This part is optional and we prefer to decide at group level based on the walking rhythm and the time spent to reach Santiago de Compostela.
Camino is full of surprises! No matter how detailed is the planning done before the trip, Camino will give you the right experience to help you grow. That’s why the 3 days walkinf part is a buffer we take to make sure we all reach Santiago de Compostela by the end of the trip. For Finisterre and Muxia, if the group wants to visit them, we can take the bus and see both of them in one day.
May 25* or 26 we will end our adventure in Finisterre and Muxia (if the group choose to see them) and we will come back in the afternoon to Santiago de Compostela for a last evening enjoying the spirit of the city where so many pilgrims are celebrating the end of an alchemic cycle.
May 26* or 27 we all fly back home.
*Different dates due to the fact that we will choose together the staing point. So, for 32 days staring in Roncesvalles we will come back home on May 26.
The shorter period of time

The shorter period of time is 24 days and we start from Burgos.
- 2 days of transportation to the meeting point and from Santiago de Compostela back home
- 20 walking days (minimum)
- 1 day resting and visiting Santiago de Compostela. The resting days number will be decided at group level according to the walking rhythm towards Santiago and taking into consideration the option of walking or not to Finisterre.
Budget: 1580 EUR* including the following:
- Bus ticket Finisterre – Santiago de Compostela
- Accomodation in albergue
- Spiritual guidance
IMPORTANT!!! The Budget does NOT include:
- Transportantion to the meeting point (flights, bus tickets etc.). However, this can be arraged upon request but will be charged seperatly according to the ticktes price.*
- Daily meal estimated to a minimum cost of 750 EUR per pilgrim (we do not include here 4-5* restaurants 😊) for all 33 days.
- Personal expences (entree fee to certain touristic obiectives, suvenirs etc.)
*We welcome people from any part of the world, and according to the traveling distance the price will be different, that’s why we cannot estimate a traveling cost.
The detailed schedule is the following:
April 30 – transportation to the meeting point in Burgos.
May 1st – start walking the Camino towards Santiago de Compostela.
IMPORTANT! For a medium rhythm, we estimate to reach Santiago de Compostela after approximately 17 days.
May 17 we reach the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. Here we decide if we walk further for other 90 km to Finisterre or we take the bus, and according to this decision we see also how many days we can stay in Santiago de Compostela.

May 18 we visit and rest in Santiago de Compostela, based on the decision taken (to walk or not to Finisterre).
May 19 – May 21st, 3 days walking from Santiago de Compostela to Finisterre. This part is optional and we prefer to decide at group level based on the walking rhythm and the time spent to reach Santiago de Compostela.

Camino is full of surprises! No matter how detailed is the planning done before the trip, Camino will give you the right experience to help you grow. That’s why the 3 days walkinf part is a buffer we take to make sure we all reach Santiago de Compostela by the end of the trip. For Finisterre and Muxia, if the group wants to visit them, we can take the bus and see both of them in one day.
May 22nd we will end our adventure in Finisterre and Muxia (if the group choose to see them) and we will come back in the afternoon to Santiago de Compostela for a last evening enjoying the spirit of the city where so many pilgrims are celebrating the end of an alchemic cycle.
May 23 we all fly back home.
The wheater in April-May on this part of the Camino, varies between 15-18o C, with half rain half sunny days tendencies.
Benefits we kindly offer to the pilgrim: 😊
- Assistence when choosing the Camino technical equipment.
- For the extended period of 33 days while we cross the Pyrenees, the Budget it’s the same as for the 32 days starting in Roncesvalles. You will probably be quite nervous on this stage, so the accomodation for that first night it’s on us. You just need to sleep well and dream you have reached Roncesvalles at the end of the first walking day, and then you just have to make this dream come treu smiling! 😊
- Spiritual guidance from the first to the last day on the Camino.
Camino de Santiago it’s not a vacation! It’s a spiritual alchemic path that will transform you! There are situations when you will know what to do, and other scenarious when you will most probably need support. If you don’t like to walk alone at the begining due to some personal beliefs or fears, you can get the spiritual support you need from your guide during the first days of walking, and then you can try to walk alone for some hours regrouping later with the members of the group. And this is just one exemple to overcome a fear or a limit you may feel you have.
In this regard, Diana-Maria Georgescu, ”World traveler, Life traveler, Time traveler” will be you spiritual guide. Diana has also walked the Camino de Santiago three times: the entire Camino Frances (2013), the entire Camino Portuguese (2018), and she launched in 2019 the first organized Romanian guided group walking 450 km of the Camino Portuguese (Porto – Santiago de Compostela – Finisterre). She experienced herself the power of inner alchemy during this pilgrimage, and she will be next to you to help you overcome your fears and shadows that this path may reveal. You just have to ask for her support. 😊
You can ask for additional details via e-mail: The booking of your spot in the group will be done once the payment is processed.
If Camino wispers already in your blood, it’s the kind of experience you will fall in love with forever and the place where you will come back at least once. It is essentially the path towards yourself following the Milky Way.
If you like to feel a first taste of this pilgrimage, check out this article below:
Briefly, Camino is YOU! That version of YOU that you haven’t met yet!
Buen Camino!