My Inner Peace

Wadi Rum – The Desert is quiet, yet the Desert speaks!

Wadi Rum Desert
On Top of The World – Wadi Rum Desert, Jordan

During these three days in Petra my body was burning, my inner peace was nowhere to find and I felt like dying for few times. My only window towards myself was opened only inside the Prophet Aaron’s tomb where I was able to meditate for half an hour. It was a real blessing and I am sure it was actually our ticket back safe into the car where my fever came back again. 

Tough night, but I managed to sleep and that was a real help. The interesting thing when I woke up was to notice the fever was completely gone. So, luggage done and jump into a taxi towards Wadi Rum Desert where we booked a jeep tour and a night in a camp in the middle of the desert.

I was a bit dizzy in the taxi, I admit, but once I stepped into the desert, I was completely a new person. We took a jeep tour and started visiting the most important things Wadi Rum has for tourists’ eye.

Desert Wadi Rum
Wadi Rum Desert, Jordan

We started with Lawrence Spring, where two Jordanians asked me nicely to take some pictures with me. I was surprised even if I’m already used to this kind of requests when I am traveling in countries where my skin color looks so interesting for the locals and they are asking me to take pictures with me like with a movie star or something. So, my surprise was not coming from the request, but from the fact that after three days of fever, my look was not that great, and for a second I asked myself “why in the Gods name would you like a picture with someone looking like me?!” But looking at the guy and seeing how nervous he was, I felt my heart melting and I said to myself “if you see something that worth being immortalized, so be it!”. And we laughed and they were trying afterwards to catch a camel for me from the free ones around, and I guess that was the Desert way of saying “Welcome to my world!”

Desert Wadi Rum
Wadi Rum Desert, Jordan

After this unexpected experience, we went and hiked the Sand Dunes. And there I was back again in touch with myself and God! On top of that Dune, I was able to do my first quiet, profound and relaxed meditation under the full light of the Sun bathing my body and my Soul. For Christians like myself, it was actually the celebration day of the two Archangels MikaEL and GabriEL, under which power and blessings I surrendered my entire being.

Desert Wadi Rum Meditation
Wadi Rum Desert, Jordan – Sand Dunes

Once back in the jeep, I felt like having a new body and the certainty of a complete healing was installed in every cell. Then we headed to a canyon where one can see the Anfishih nabatin Inscriptions 200 B.C. old left by ancient trade caravans.

Desert Wadi Rum
Wadi Rum Desert, Jordan – The Canyon
Desert Wadi Rum
Wadi Rum Desert, Jordan – Anfishih nabatin Inscriptions

After getting into the heart of this canyon where one may find it a bit uncomfortable to keep his own balance while stepping on wet rocks trying not to slip and fall into the water, we went to Um Froth Rock Arch. Climbing that rock it’s more like climbing a wall. It’s not easy to climb, nor to get down afterwards, but it’s worth all the effort and the queue you have to wait patiently as it is one way only and the path is so tight only one person can pass at a time. Once you are up, it’s amazing! You have this mixed feeling like being on top of the world despite the fact that the arch is only 15 meters high, but you are up there, looking down at all that people ready to take a picture of you, and the small path is giving you the sensation that you can fall anytime. In fact, is just that monkey brain scared as Hell seeing itself out of its comfort zone. 😊      

Desert Wadi Rum
Wadi Rum Desert, Jordan – Um Froth Rock Arch

After these experiences full of adrenaline, we went to a nice place where we were able to take some panoramic pictures of Wadi Rum desert and spot the line between the red and white desert.

Desert Wadi Rum
Wadi Rum Desert, Jordan – panorama point

It’s amazing to sit in the red sand, play with it and feel like home!

And moreover, 300 meters away set a small camp, and witness a majestic Sunset while drinking Bedouin tea. Words are not enough to describe the feeling, so I advise you to go there and have this experience.

Desert Wadi Rum
Wadi Rum Desert, Jordan – Sunset

Once the Sun was down, we went to the camp for the night, we had Bedouin tea again, we had dinner and then we decided to walk for a while into the desert and just listen. And I think if God has a voice, that is the voice of the desert!

After this walk, I laid down on a bench to watch the stars. I have never seen so many stars not once in my trips in different parts of the world. And I felt like my body was melting down and becoming one with the sky, one with the stars, one with the entire universe. This was my second door of the day into a profound meditation where I felt like finding an equilibrium between all 5 elements and integrate it. And there it was again, that healing state coming from a new layer and embodying into this human being.   

Desert Wadi Rum
Wadi Rum Desert, Jordan – Sky after sunset

And after three days of fever, my body was not burning anymore, was kind of freezing for a bit. So, we headed towards our tent with a view over the desert and the sky, and I was finally being able to fall asleep watching the stars and the Moon shining over the quiet sleepy desert.

Desert Wadi Rum
Wadi Rum Desert, Jordan – Moon view from the tent

I woke up several times that night, just to watch the Moon and the stars as I was always dreaming of, and then fall asleep again with a big smile on my face.

And if you spend a night in the desert, you cannot miss the sunrise! So, we woke up at 5:00 am and we went out to witness how the Sun is touching the mighty Desert. We climbed the rock that was behind our camp, and there, after consuming that strong feeling of joy for the present moment, I set on the edge of the cliff, I closed my eyes and I felt like falling into another dimension. There, on that cliff, I reached another layer of my own being, and I understood my profound connection with this world, and the meaning of the burning days in Petra.

Desert Wadi Rum
Wadi Rum Desert, Jordan – Sunrise

That’s why I’m saying… As much as quiet the Desert seems, the Desert actually speaks!       

Desert Wadi Rum
Wadi Rum Desert, Jordan – Sunrise

To be continued…

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Chek out the begining of the Jordanian story here!

Camino Frances Grup Ghidat Aprilie – Mai 2020

Camino Frances

Camino Frances este cel mai vechi traseu de pelerinaj către Santiago de Compostela, orașul ce se întinde sub protecția Sfântului Apostol Iacob, unul dintre cei 12 apostoli ai lui Iisus.

Frumusețea sa este unică, iar măreția celor 6 regiuni de Nord ale Spaniei ascunde o magie profundă ce însoțește pas cu pas transformarea interioară a călătorului către sine. Parcurgând acest drum timp de aproximativ 25-28 de zile (în funcție de ritmul grupului), pe lângă evoluția interioară, suntem martorii unui întreg inventar al diversității creației ce ne însoțește zi și noapte. De la munți la dealuri, câmpii nesfârșite (celebrele mesetas), râuri și întinderi de viță de vie ce răsare dintr-un sol roșu (La Rioja) care te umple de energie mai ales în zilele însorite, până la liniștea cea mai profundă întreruptă de sunetul ploii sau de dialectele locale în care poți regăsi și urmări direct evoluția și transformarea limbii latine. Toate acestea și multe altele le poți găsi pe această rută ce duce la Santiago de Compostela. Iar de acolo, dacă mai putem cu toții și ne îngăduie timpul, ne aventurăm către Finisterre, să întâlnim magia Oceanului Atlantic.  

Pentru a veni în întâmpinarea nevoilor celor care își doresc să parcurgă această rută și se lovesc de impedimentul de timp, propunem 2 variante de traseu. În funcție de cum se formează grupul și de disponibilitatea majorității, vom porni pe ruta extinsă de 33 sau 32 de zile (în cazul în care excludem traversarea Pirineilor pe jos), ori pe cea redusă de 24 de zile.  

Perioada extinsă

Perioada extinsă este de 33 zile cu plecare din București pe 25.04.2020 și întoarcere pe 27.05.2020, dacă decidem la nivel de grup să pornim din Saint Jean Pied de Port (Franța) traversând Pirineii până în Roncesvalles (Spania), sau de 32 de zile cu plecare din București în aceeași zi, dar cu pornire pe Camino din Roncesvalles și întoarcere în București pe 26.05.2020.

  • 2 zile de transport tur-retur București – Saint Jean Pied de Port și Santiago de Compostela – București
  • 29 sau 30 zile de mers pe jos (minimum)
  • 1 zi de odihnă și vizitat Santiago de Compostela. Numărul zilelor de odihnă se vor decide în funcție de ritmul de mers până la Santiago și de opțiunea de a se parcurge pe jos drumul până la Finisterre.

Buget: 1995 EUR* care include următoarele:

  • Bilete de Avion tur București – Paris – Biarritz
  • Bilete de Tren Biarritz – Bayonne – Saint Jean Pied de Port sau minivan Biarritz – Roncesvalles
  • Bilete de Avion Santiago de Compostela – Londra – București 
  • Bilet de Autocar Finisterre – Santiago de Compostela
  • Cazarea în refugii (albergue)
  • Ghidaj spiritual

ATENȚIE!!! Bugetul NU include:

  • Mâncarea zilnică estimată la un cost minim de 750 EUR de pelerin (deci nu la restaurante de 4-5* 😊) pentru toate cele 33 zile. Dat fiind faptul că în anumite momente din zi pot fi persoane care pot alege să meargă singure până la următorul refugiu, cel mai bine este ca bugetul de mâncare să fie administrat de fiecare în parte.
  • Cheltuielile personale de pe drum (intrări la obiective turistice, suveniruri etc.)

Programul detaliat este următorul:

25.04 – plecare din București dimineața către SJPP cu escală în Paris și zbor direct către Biarritz, de unde luăm trenul către Bayonne și apoi către SJPP.

Camino de Santiago
Saint Jean Pied de Port


25.04 – plecare din București dimineața cu escală în Paris și zbor direct către Biarritz, de unde vom închiria un minivan care ne va trece în Spania (Roncesvalles). Aceasta este opțiunea în care decidem să renunțăm la etapa de traversare a Pirineilor pe jos.

Camino de Santiago

26.04 – plecare pe Camino din SJPP pe ruta Valcarlos și traversarea Pirineilor către Roncesvalles sau direct din Roncesvalles către Santiago de Compostela.

Camino de Santiago
Pirinei – Ruta Napoleon
Camino de Santiago
Pirinei – Ruta Napoleon

IMPORTANT! Pentru un ritm mediu al grupului estimăm că vom ajunge la Santiago de Compostela după aproximativ 25 de zile (dacă plecarea se face din Roncesvalles) sau 26 (dacă plecarea se face din SJPP).

20* sau 21.05 ajungem la Catedrala din Santiago de Compostela. Aici decidem dacă parcurgem distanța de 90 km pe jos până la Finisterre sau cu autobuzul, precum și câte zile rămânem în Santiago de Compostela.

21* sau 22.05 program de voie, vizităm Santiago de Compostela, în funcție de data la care ajungem și de decizia grupului de a rămâne sau a merge pe jos către Finisterre.

21 – 24.05* (sau 22-25.05), 3 zile de mers din Santiago de Compostela până în Finisterre. Această parte este opțională și este de preferat să se decidă la nivel de grup în funcție de ritmul de mers și de timpul necesar parcurgerii drumului până la Santiago de Compostela. Camino este plin de surprize și oricât de mult ai planifica la plecare, el îți va oferi experiența de care ai nevoie pentru creșterea ta personală și spirituală. De aceea, partea până la Finisterre este în primul rând un timp de rezervă pe care ni-l luăm pentru a ne asigura că ajungem până la finalul perioadei la Santiago de Compostela. Pentru Finisterre și Muxia, dacă se dorește a se vizita, aceasta se poate realiza oricum cu autobuzele locale, iar într-o zi se pot vedea rapid amândouă.

25.05* sau 26.05. vom încheia aventura la Finisterre și Muxia (dacă se optează pentru această parte) și ne vom întoarce după-amiază în Santiago de Compostela pentru o ultimă seară petrecută pe străduțele cu mii de secrete și zeci de mii de pelerini care sărbătoresc încheierea unui ciclu alchimic.

26.05* sau 27.05 zbor retur Santiago de Compostela – București cu escală în Londra.

*Date pentru opțiunea de 32 de zile cu plecare din Roncesvalles și întoarcere în București pe 26.05.2020.

Perioada redusă

Camino de Santiago
La Catedral de Burgos

Perioada redusă este de 24 zile și pornim din Burgos, către care vom pleca din București pe data de 30.04.2020, revenind în București pe 23.05.2020.

  • 2 zile de transport tur-retur București – Burgos și Santiago de Compostela – București
  • 20 zile de mers pe jos (minimum)
  • 1 zi de odihnă și vizitat Santiago de Compostela. Numărul zilelor de odihnă se vor decide în funcție de de ritmul de mers până la Santiago și de opțiunea de a se parcurge pe jos drumul până la Finisterre.

Buget: 1775 EUR* care include următoarele:

  • Bilete de Avion tur București – Madrid
  • Bilet de Autocar Madrid – Burgos
  • Bilet de Avion Santiago de Compostela – Londra – București 
  • Bilet de Autocar Finisterre – Santiago de Compostela
  • Cazarea în refugii (albergue)
  • Ghidaj spiritual

ATENȚIE!!! Bugetul NU include:

  • Mâncarea zilnică estimată la un cost minim de 550 EUR de pelerin (deci nu la restaurante de 4-5* 😊) pentru toate cele 24 zile. Dat fiind faptul că în anumite momente din zi pot fi persoane care pot alege să meargă singure până la următorul refugiu, cel mai bine este ca bugetul de mâncare să fie administrat de fiecare în parte.
  • Cheltuielile personale de pe drum (intrări la obiective turistice, suveniruri etc.)

Programul detaliat este următorul:

30.04 – zbor București – Madrid și apoi autocar Madrid – Burgos.

01.05 – plecare pe Camino din Burgos.

IMPORTANT! Pentru un ritm mediu al grupului estimăm că vom ajunge la Santiago de Compostela după aproximativ 17 zile.

17.05 ajungem la Catedrala din Santiago de Compostela. Aici decidem dacă parcurgem distanța de 90 km pe jos până la Finisterre sau cu autobuzul și câte zile rămânem în Santiago de Compostela.

Santiago de Compostela
La Catedral de Santiago de Compostela – Plaza del Obradoiro

18.05 program de voie, vizităm Santiago de Compostela, în funcție de data la care ajungem și de decizia grupului de a rămâne sau a merge pe jos către Finisterre.

19 – 21.05, 3 zile de mers din Santiago de Compostela până în Finisterre.

Camino de Santiago
Cabo Finisterre

Această parte este opțională și este de preferat să se decidă la nivel de grup în funcție de ritmul de mers și de timpul necesar parcurgerii drumului până la Santiago de Compostela. Camino este plin de surprize și oricât de mult ai planifica la plecare, el îți va oferi experiența de care ai nevoie pentru creșterea ta personală și spirituală. De aceea, partea până la Finisterre este în primul rând un timp de rezervă pe care ni-l luăm pentru a ne asigura că ajungem până la finalul perioadei la Santiago de Compostela. Pentru Finisterre și Muxia, dacă se dorește a se vizita, aceasta se poate realiza oricum cu autobuzele locale, iar într-o zi se pot vedea rapid amândouă.

22.05 vom încheia aventura la Finisterre și Muxia (dacă se optează pentru această parte) și ne vom întoarce după-amiază în Santiago de Compostela pentru o ultimă seară petrecută pe străduțele cu mii de secrete și zeci de mii de pelerini care sărbătoresc încheierea unui ciclu alchimic.

23.05 zbor retur Santiago de Compostela – București cu escală în Londra.

Vremea în lunile aprilie-mai pe această parte de Camino, oscilează între 15-18o C, cu tendințe de ploaie (estimat 50% din timp) și soare (estimat 50% din timp).


  1. Rucsac cât mai ușor posibil (greutatea maximă plin să nu depășească 10% din masa corporală a persoanei care îl va purta în spate)
  2. Pelerină de ploaie
  3. Recipient de apă
  4. Borsetă pentru bani, pașaport, șervețele, gel antibacterian și alte lucruri mici și utile (ex. ace de siguranță, ac și ață de cusut pentru bășici, dezinfectant, spork, medicamente uzuale etc.) pe care să le aveți la îndemână oricând.
  5. Haine (cu mânecă lungă și scurtă) din microfibră care să se usuce repede, recomandat nu mai mult de două perechi din fiecare item, cu excepția șosetelor pe care le veți schimba cel puțin de două ori în timpul unei zile de mers.
  6. Geacă cu factor de căldură și pantaloni lungi (minim o pereche).
  7. Bocanci / încălțăminte de trakking recomandat cu 2 numere mai mari pentru că vi se vor umfla picioarele de la atâtea zile consecutive de mers.
  8. Papuci / șlapi care se vor folosi la duș și pentru eliberarea picioarelor după cazarea zilnică la refugiu.
  9. Bețe de trakking – recomandat dar nu obligatoriu. Bețele ajută la echilibrare și dau ritm mersului, dar nu sunt obligatorii. Se pot găsi și bețe de lemn prin pădurile pe care le vom întâlni pe drum.
  10. Pălărie de soare / bandană, ochelari de soare și cremă de protecție solară.
  11. Sac de dormit cu factor de căldură (unele albergues-uri nu au încălzire centrală).

Beneficii pe care le oferim cu drag călătorului de Camino: 😊

  1. Asistență și implicare în achiziționarea echipamentului potrivit pentru fiecare persoană înscrisă.
  2. Pentru varianta extinsă de drum de 33 de zile cu traversarea Pirineilor, costul rămâne neschimbat ca pentru cea cu 32 de zile cu plecare din Roncesvalles. Vei avea oricum emoții pe această etapă, așa că ai acea noapte de cazare de la noi. Să dormi bine și să te visezi că ai ajuns deja în Roncesvalles la finalul primei zile, iar apoi să materializezi visul cu zâmbetul pe buze! 😊
  3. Ghid spiritual de la plecare până la sosirea înapoi în București.

Camino de Santiago nu este o vacanță! Este un drum spiritual alchimic care te transformă! Sunt situații în care vei ști ce să faci și situații în care vei avea nevoie de susținere. Dacă îți este frică să mergi singur(ă), te poți pregăti mental și spiritual împreună cu ghidul grupului în primele zile de mers, pentru ca mai apoi ”să zbori singur”, dacă asta alegi să faci! Și exemplele pot continua.

În acest sens, Diana-Maria Georgescu, ”Călător prin lume, Călător prin viață, Călător prin Timp” care a parcurs întregul Camino Frances (2013), întregul Camino Portugues (2018) și a pornit la drum cu primul grup organizat din România în 2019 pe Camino Portugues (ruta Porto – Santiago de Compostela – Finisterre) îți va sta la dispoziție și te va ghida să îți depășești temerile și umbrele pe care acest drum le scoate la suprafață în mod spontan. Trebuie doar să ceri să fii ajutat! 😊

Detalii adiționale și înscrierile se pot solicita la adresa de e-mail Rezervarea locului se va face după achitarea primei tranșe de 700 EUR.

ATENȚIE! Bugetele de mai sus sunt valabile pentru cei care vor achita prima tranșă până la data de 20.02.2020. După această dată, bugetul poate suferi modificări în funcție de prețul biletelor de avion de la momentul înscrierii.  

Camino, dacă îți șoptește deja magic în sânge, este experiența de care te vei îndrăgosti iremediabil și locul în care te vei reîntoarce cel puțin încă o dată. Este calea spre tine, vegheată de Calea Lactee. Iar dacă vrei să-ți faci o idee despre experiența mea pe Camino Frances din 2013, te invit să citești și acest articol în engleză:

Pe scurt, Camino ești tu, cel care nu știi acum că ești!

Buen Camino!

Camino de Santiago
Dumbria – traseul către Finisterre

118 Fețe de Lumină

118 Fețe de Lumină – Diana-Maria Georgescu

”Poeziile adunate în această carte, sunt o reflexie a lumii interioare pe care am explorat-o și exprimat-o încă din copilărie și care consider că este o replică a lumii universale. Veți găsi tonuri și preocupări adolescentine, întrebări profunde despre lume și viață, tristețe, pasiune, iubire mistuitoare, dar și înțelegere și așezare. Un carusel de emoții și stări, care îmi doresc să ajungă în sufletului fiecărui cititor prin intermediul magiei cuvintelor. Pentru că…
“Cuvântul era Lumina cea adevărată care luminează pe tot omul, care vine în lume.” [Ioan 1:9]”
– pasaj din carte din ”Nota autoarei” pe care o veți găsi în paginile 13 și 14 ale cărții.

Prefața volumului de versuri este scrisă de Mihaela Tatu, realizator Radio-TV și prezență emblematică la nivel național și internațional în domeniul comunicării. Doamna Mihaela Tatu scrie astfel despre aceste poezii:

”Mi-a plăcut ce-am citit până acum. Și mai vreau. Poate că ai reușit să trezești acum, cu această dorință a ta, ceva ce amorțise pe nesimțite în mine. Prea mulți de “poate”! Certitudine este felul intens în care m-au făcut să mă simt multe dintre poeziile tale. Mulțumesc mult pentru încredere, pentru emoțiile pe care mi le-ai destăinuit și pe care le vom descoperi cu toții, citindu-ți cuvintele și încărcându-ne de energia și materia trăirilor tale, prin această carte. Mi-a plăcut și mai vreau!”

118 Fețe de Lumină – Diana-Maria Georgescu – Gaudeamus București, 2019

Dacă v-am făcut curioși și vă doriți să aveți această carte în biblioteca dumneavoastră, vă invit să îmi scrieți direct la adresa și mă voi ocupa direct să v-o trimit cu dedicație personalizată. Umblă vorba că dedicațiile mele sunt foarte generoase și surprind ceva profund din persoana căreia i se adresează. 🙂

118 Fețe de Lumină – Diana-Maria Georgescu
118 Fețe de Lumină – Diana-Maria Georgescu

PETRA, the City of the Magic Fire (3rd part)

The Canyon

I left “The Monastery” behind and I went down to find “Prophet Aaron’s Tomb” (Moses bother). Google Maps was showing it somewhere downstairs, into another Canyon. So, there we are, following Google’s indications. Needless to say, that the “Mighty” Google was lost as well, so after a while, we found a local man and asked him about the trail towards Aaron’s Tomb. The man told us we can reach it that way as well, but it’s the longest way and the most difficult one. Hence, he advised us to get back to the “Crown Plaza Restaurant” (Yep, there is a Crown Plaza right in the heart of Petra’s ancient site 😊) and from there we will see the easiest way.

While I was walking towards “Crown Plaza Restaurant” I felt actually grateful. Thanks to Google’s indications, I think I’ve seen one of the most beautiful Canyons on Earth. Every step was made with a full heart and amazement in front of the Mother Nature’s power of creation. I took so many pictures there willing to take home with me every corner, every rock and every shade and glimpse of light playing within that Canyon. Needless to say, that the pictures cannot show the greatness of what the eye had witnessed there.

Once back to “Crown Plaza Restaurant”, I looked around to find an indicator towards Aaron’s Tomb. I found nothing, actually. However, I had a friend back home that was visiting Petra two months ago and he was doing the same thing. So, a quick Whatsapp message, and I received the number of a local guy that was arranging jeep trips to the tomb. I always prefer to walk, but taking into account that was already 3 pm and in Jordan, in November at 5 pm may get really dark, I said “ok, jeep it is!”. I wanted so much to find this tomb. God knows why, but at that particular time something was pulling me towards that place. Later, I understood why.

Sunset on the mountain

So, here I am, in the middle of a lot of Jordanian people telling me it is impossible to reach the tomb at that hour, but with a donkey, they can show me other beautiful places around. Well, “impossible” it’s a word I really like, ‘cos I know something amazing is about to happen really soon. When they saw I was firm in going up there, one of the guys called this man and gave me his phone to talk to him. He tried to convince me to came back the next morning, but once I explained him that was my last day in Petra, he offered to find someone willing to get me a ride up on the mountain. He found a guy, but an endless back and forth on Whatsapp started, and everything was about the money. He asked a huge amount of money for my budget, and when I said NO, he asked me what I am willing to pay. At that particular point I my fever was back and I was really exhausted. I just wanted to sit, rest and do a meditation, and close my personal story with Petra in this life. So I gave him for two people a sum I thought he will never excepted, meaning 25 % less than he asked for one person. He continued to negotiate while I was already giving up and focus to find “my meditation spot”. I must confess that at a certain point I was so trilled to find a certain place chatting with my friend, and I was not listens to his messages anymore. But when I did, I was really surprised to see he accepted my offer of 25 % less than he asked for one person.

At this point I was like… “WTF! I need my meditation and I am so close to do it here and now!” Then, suddenly, I remembered what all the people before used to tell me: “It’s IMPOSSIBLE to get there at this hour!”.

Hellooo, Diana! This is your sign! So, move your butt, forget the fever and go to find “your meditation spot” up there!  

We’ve met our driver up on a hill, we stepped into this “kind of a jeep”, and he started to drive up and down on the mountain. There were moments I thought the car will fall apart, but it didn’t, and the driver did his part acording to the deal we had. Soon after we left, I was again amazed by the beauty of the nature and while the Sun was drawing shades and red lights over the astonishing shapes of the mountains, I thought “what am I doing to a tomb that will be closed when we will arrive?” And right after I set my intention that no matter the hour of the arrival, all the doors and all the ways should be opened in front of us. Two minutes after, the man I was dealing with for this adventure called the driver and he offered to help me have a great experience because he knew my friend back home. And due to the fact that it will get dark and we need to walk for another hour up to the mountain and everything will be closed, he proposed to send a guide and to show us the way and open the tomb for us. Of course, everything in exchange of some money. Needless to say the amount was not important for me anymore, as I felt his phone call as a quick answer to my intention set few minutes ago.

So, from “impossible” to a jeep ride and a guide opening the tomb for us, I think it’s a good progress. 😊

After a while we reached the point where the car stopped and we started to hike. The Sun was going down, my fever was going up hence my body was not answering anymore to all my mind orders, and my friend that was accompanying me was also tired and had an arm in pain. Plus, we didn’t have had a proper meal that day. There was such a pressure around, both from outside and inside. We where looking up to see the mountain’s top and we were just spotting another peck to be climbed. At a certain point, our guide pointed towards a peck saying in Arabic (he was not speaking English) that the tomb is there. Such a relief, yet such a worry seeing the mountain we were still had to climb.  It was almost dark, but the Moon was shining, so we managed to reach the top without artificial light.

Moon over the mountain

Once on the top, I was so happy, I wanted to scream and let the entire world know that we did it! Instead, I kept inside that feeling and went inside the tomb to do my meditation I was waiting for so long, now.  I was so grateful I was there and I knew something brought me there even if under so many feelings I was not able to understand yet. But I did my part, I prayed and I tried to harmonize my mind, my body, and my soul, to be able to get down quick and safely.

By the time I finished everything, it was completely dark, but the Moon was still shining. However, the mountain has its paths, and some of them were in complete darkness, so we had to light up the way using my headlight and the torch from my friend’s phone. It took us 50 minutes to get down and reach the car again. But this time our bodies felt lighter, the pains were almost off, and the steps were firmer. The tricky thing is that when you go down from a mountain and it’s dark, the headlight makes you see more the path you are walking on, so the mind it’s not scared anymore by the parts she doesn’t see. And there were some dangerous parts over there, that during the day maybe would have been more difficult to overcome than during the night when you are not able to see them. 😊

Hiking with headlight

Once in the car, the fever hit again. The driver dropped us at the meeting point, so we still had to walk inside the site for a while. He showed us the way, and while we were walking, a dog came along. He was a sort of a guide too, as he showed us the way when more paths were crossing. Back on the official route towards “The Treasury”, we were stopped by the site police. They asked us for the ID and the Jordan Pass, and then two of them escorted us to “The Treasury”. They explained us it’s their job to make sure everyone gets safe outside the site and no one gets lost in these mountains still inhabited by the Bedouins.

Back to “The Treasury”, the ritual of so-called “Petra by night” was already began. So, we had the chance to see what was all about, and we received a personal guard to escort us inside “The Siq” as well. While we were walking inside the canyon, my fever was higher and higher, so once the guard decided to greet us and get back to “The Treasury”, we found a bench, we sit for a while to rest a bit, and ate some dates to be able to take a pill to drop down the fever.

Petra by night

Then we walked towards to exit, and continued to walk to a local food place for a tasty falafel, our first proper meal of the day, at 10:30 pm.

7th of November, a day full of amazing experiences, when the unthinkable became reality, and the “Impossible” became POSSIBLE. We hiked for 33 km that day, but for one that walked the Camino de Santiago three times, it was the most insightful walk I have ever experienced.

The most profound lesson of that day?

“When you think your body it’s completely broken, Faith will still keep you walking for hours even into the darkness, driven by your Heart and your Soul. And that revels the power of the inner light! ”   

I am an independent writter, so if you like my stories, I invite you to support my activity with a donation.


To be continued…

PETRA, the City of the Magic Fire (2nd part)

After an evening full of medicines and all kind of therapies, I finally managed to sleep and I woke up at 6 am willing to explore the magic tracks of Petra. I went to the Visitor’s Center and I started walking inside the archeological site at 8:45 am. I expected to find less people, but, to my surprise, there were a lot of big groups walking around, taking pictures and speaking all kind of languages. I was walking so fast to find some peace in there, but soon I found out it was really impossible before reaching again “The Treasury”.

The second day in Petra is different than the first one. “The Siq” and “The Treasury” are already familiar, so you don’t need to spend too much time there anymore. What I did on this part was just walking, and once I reached the Treasury, I went up on the mountain to take some pictures from that angle as well. Being early in the morning, the sun highlighted a part of the place where we were sitting to take “the perfect picture”, so we had the chance to play with the light and shadow and to do some great shoots. Up there, you need to pay 1 JOD, and you receive a black tea… awful! 😊

Petra – The Treasury

Once we came back from the mountain and reached again the “Street of Facades”, we passed the “Theatre” and the “Great Temple” and we continued to walk towards the “Ad Deir” known as “The Monastery”. To reach it, we had to climb another mountain, and from a certain point, to walk the 850 stairs on the way up. There were so many donkeys exploited up and down on the mountain to help tourists climb it easily. Some of them were so sad, and I spent some minutes with them just cuddling and making them feeling special. And the most impressive thing was to see a few of them crying while I was petting them. They broke my heart in so many pieces, as I really felt their sadness, loneliness and hard time to cope with the effort their masters were asking them to do. And, to be honest, I don’t think climbing that mountain on the back of a donkey is too much fun. I’ve seen tourists scared, uncomfortable or just tired to keep the balance on some tricky paths to avoid falling from a peak. So, I would say, think twice before asking for a ride. It may cause you more pain then just walking, and you will force an innocent animal to make a huge effort under your weight.

Petra – The way to The Monastery

So, step by step, stair by stair, breath by breath, and amazed by the beautiful Canyons we were crossing, we managed to win the race with our own limits, and reach the peak. And there it was “The Monastery”, 47m wide and 48,3 m high. This amazing building dates from 2nd century AD and it took the name “The Monastery” after it was used as a Christian chapel. Different yet similar with “The Treasury”, what stroked me again were the details and the perfect cuts into the mountain. If the “Tombs” and the “Great Temple” are “less perfect” and the time got them and left some important tracks, “The Monastery” and “The Treasury”, are still there and more perfect than the others, even if they are supposed to be older (except “The Church”).

Petra – The Monastery

Now, being on the top of the mountain and witnessing such a beautiful architecture, I always have to check it from different perspectives. And here, I had a new idea! Why not taste this monumental building?! 😊 Inspired by the donkeys that were licking the rocks, I tried the same with “The Monastery”. Aaaand… Surprise! The walls are salty! And this information can produce now so many stories. My favorite one is that everything was under the water ages ago, and all the rocks and Canyons around are salty! 😊 I haven’t taste them all, still, I like to believe they are! 😊

Petra – The Salty Monastery

Once the crazy things were done and the pics were made, I just set down looking for a while at this amazing shape. It is so beautiful to allow yourself to dive into the unknown story of this place and just feel it inside out. There is this new layer covering the history the local people are telling. This layer much more profound that doesn’t need to prove anything to anyone. I think is just there for whom is really interested to see it and to feel it. It’s maybe the unspoken voice of the Mighty Spirit of Creation.

To be continued…

I am an independent writter, so if you like my stories, I invite you to support my activity with a donation.


PETRA, the City of the Magic Fire (1st part)

Petra – The Treasury

My first day in Petra was full of surprises! I reached the Visitor Center at 11:30 am,  due to the fact that I was not able to sleep and I was very sick. A mysterious cold came out of nowhere to keep me company in the so called “City of mysteries”. 

The accomodation was 4 km away from Petra’s Visitor Center, somewhere outside Wadi Musa. In the begining of November at 11:30 am we had already 19 Celsius degrees, but if you are under the “spell of a fever”, it feels damn hot!

The first thing you have to do, is to check-in with your Jordan Pass and receive Petra’s ticket, or buy one if you don’t have a Jordan Pass. Once you’ve got your ticket, you proceed to the entrance where a guy is cheking it together with your passport and Jordan Pass. This happened for us only the second day. The first day the guy only asked for the ticket and welcomed us with a big smile.

Once you get to the checking point, you will find a lot of local people offering you a horse, telling you that is for free if your have a Jordan Pass, which is true, but on the way they will start to ask or negociate with you for a tip which is not cheap at all. So, if you can walk, just walk and ignore the offers on the way that will come to you several times. 

For someone like me, that has never seen something like this before, walking The Siq – the amazing Canyon leading to the Treasury, was just breath taking. Even under the fever my Soul and my Mind enjoyed every step, every rock, every light coming from above and creating an entire picture with so many different colors that my camera will never be able to catch. 

Petra – The Siq

Walking among all these amazing shapes that nature built ages ago, it’s hard not to think about the power of creation and mostly how small you are in the middle of these mighty Canyons that once where under the water. There is this feeling growing inside that you have the chance to witness something majestous, something completly outside of your own reality. And this feeling is growing step by step towards the Treasury. 

And there it is! This huge building they say it was built by the Nabateans, the Arabic nomads that came into this land in the 4th century BC. If you sit and just look at this building, it is hard not to think about the tools this nomadic people where bringing with them to cut the stone in such perfect angles and came up with these perfect shape. Honestly, the most credible thought would be that this shape was done by an elevated civilization, equipped with such tools able to cut in the mountain perfect shapes and small details that probably we are not able to reproduce today with such accuracy.   

Petra – The Treasury

So, sitting there and just watching these details, I felt like being beaming up to another planet. Actually, that was my main feeling in Petra, that I am walking on another planet, stepping into the footprints of an ancient and enlightened civilization leaving behind a small prove of what it used to be their natural environment. 

Petra – The Treasury – view from the mountain

That’s why I spent a lot of time and energy before and at the Treasury itself. And, I must confess that Petra was one of my dreams for more than 10 years now. Hence, being there and living my dream, was a gift from the Gods or just the gift of my pure intention, will and manifestation in this life. 

I was able to visit all the sites before the Great Temple. Then my fever hit and I felt like dying there. Everything was burning, the Sun outside and the fever inside my body. The burning was so intense and I felt like falling and passing away. This made me stop for a while and rest and then getting back to the Visitor Center. That’s how I had to leave my dream back there for a night. 

To be continued…

I am an independent writter, so if you like my stories, I invite you to support my activity with a donation.


Visiting Chiang Mai in one day

When you have only one day to visit an entire city, where would you choose to go? And this is not a rethoric question, it’s reality. I was born a traveler and I will die like a traveler, that’s why, whenever I am in a new place, I am always open to add to my journey things I am attracted too. Chiang Mai had initialy two days on my itinerary, but something inside was telling me to go to the Blue Temple in Chiang Rai. I’ve seen some pictures of the surreal blue color this temple has and I suddenly decided to go there. And once you go in Chiang Rai to see the Blue Temple, you have to see The White Temple As well. But the story of this magic place can be found in the previous article “White Temple and Blue Temple, Two Wonders of the Modern World”.

So, that’s how I ended up in Chiang Rai traveling for 7 hours by bus and jumping from a temple to another to enrich my soul experience. And to be honest, that was the best choice of my trip to Chiang Mai.

Chiang Rai, Bus station Terminal 1, Thailand, 2019

Coming back to my question above. Usually, what I do when I have only one day to visit a new city, is to go in the city center, have a quick look, spot the most important places other people have apreciated and walking there using a map. On my way there, I always choose to take local rutes to see how the local people are living and what are their preocupations during the day. And before reaching the famous place apreciated by the tourists, I always enter two or three “normal” temples or curches, where the locals are going to pray, and have lunch where local people are eating. This is the fastest way for me to undestand the local culture, and this time I followed my routine and this is how the day looked like.

Chiang Mai City Pillar, Thailand, 2019

Once out from the hotel, I jumped into a local bus to reach the city center where I had breakfast in the Sailomjoy local restaurant. The people were smily and kind, and while I was eating, behind me was this altar where they lighted incenses and put some offrands. So, I felt somehow blessed as my day started a bit rough that morning.

Chiang Mai local bus, Thailand, 2019
Sailomjoy Restaurant, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2019
Sailomjoy Restaurant, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2019

With a smile on my face, I started my journey towards the temples. Chiang Mai is full of temples, so it is impossible to have a hard time finding things to see there. The first one, was poping up after less than 200 meters, Phan-Ohn Temple, a Buddhist temple full of messages written on small pieces of wood, hanged on the trees.

Wat Phan-Ohn, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2019
Wat Phan-Ohn, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2019
Wat Phan-Ohn, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2019
Wat Phan-Ohn, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2019

The next one found on the way to the highest temple of the city was Wat Phan Tao, made of wood.

Wat Phan Tao, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2019
Wat Phan Tao, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2019
Wat Phan Tao, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2019
Wat Phan Tao, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2019
Wat Phan Tao, Pagoda schelethon, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2019

After having a look inside, and seeing how a pagoda is built, I went directly to Wat Chedi Luang, built between 14 and 15 century, being at that time the highest temple in the region: 82 m hight and 54 m diameter on its fundation.

Wat Chedi Luang, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2019
Wat Chedi Luang, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2019
Wat Chedi Luang, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2019
Wat Chedi Luang, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2019
Wat Chedi Luang, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2019
Wat Chedi Luang, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2019

My way led me to the next objective of the day Wat Phra Singh temple. The main structure started to be built in 1345, and the temple itself buries the ashes of the Mangrai dinasty.

Wat Phra Singh, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2019
Wat Phra Singh, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2919
Wat Phra Singh, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2019
Wat Phra Singh, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2019
Wat Phra Singh, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2019

The last one was Wat Suan Dok meaning “flower garden temple”. The building of this temple started in 1370 and today is accomodating also the Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University.

Wat Suan Dok, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2019
Wat Suan Dok, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2019
Wat Suan Dok, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2019
Wat Suan Dok, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2019

This temple had a nice gift for me. While I was walking around taking pictures and analizing the architecture, I steped on a jad bracelet with an elephant in the middle. I took it from there and I was surprised to see the jad little stones and the elephant. The entire day I was “chasing” emerald Buddha statues and elephants as I am fascinated by this green color. And at the end of the day I found this bracelet. I cannot wear as my skin doesn’t tolerate any metal, but for 3 days I had it on my arm, till my skin started to scream.

Wat Suan Dok, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2019
Wat Suan Dok, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2019

I ended the day having dinner in a local restaurant with a great Phad Thai, a pancake directly on the street while I was waiting to jump into the bus heading to the airport.

Local restaurant in Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2019
Delicios pancake on the streets of Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2019

Morale of the day: there is no “short time” or “too late” if you really want to enrich your life experience. You just have to take the first step and the others will follow naturally.

Wat Phan-Ohn, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2019

To be continued…

I am an independent writter, so if you like my stories, I invite you to support my activity with a donation.


White Temple and Blue Temple, Two Wonders of the Modern World

Coming to Thailand and not visiting some cities from the northern part of the country to better understand the culture, it’s like missing an internal organ from the body. That’s why, I booked the flights for Bangkok and Chiang Mai, and the bus to reach Chiang Rai.

Chiang Rai it’s famous now for Wat Rong Khun, known as “The White Temple”, a big modern white structure built by Chalermchai Kositpipat, a faimous Thai visual artist. The actual version of the temple was built on the old fundation of Wat Rong Khun and it’s not finished yet, the due date being settled for 2027. The artist choice for white color, was to reflect the purity of the Buddha, and for glass, to reflect the Buddha’s wisdom and teachings.

Wat Rong Khun – The White Temple, Chiang Rai, Thailand, 2019
Wat Rong Khun – The White Temple, Chiang Rai, Thailand, 2019
Wat Rong Khun – The White Temple (back side), Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2019
Wat Rong Khun – The White Temple, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2019

The structure itself it’s a modern representation of the current temptations of the world represented by sculptures and paintings of Superheroes like Batman, Hell Boy, Iron Man, etc., and the salvation that mankind can find taking the Buddha’s path towards the Buddhism teachings. But beyond the modern art promoted by Chalermchai Kositpipat, the temple it’s a place for Buddhism teachings and meditation, open to anyone willing to follow this path.

Wat Rong Khun – The White Temple (temptations), Chiang Rai, Thailand, 2019
Wat Rong Khun – White Temple (museum building), Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2019
Wat Rong Khun – The White Temple (museum building), Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2019

The next temple I had to see, was Wat Rong Suea Ten, known as The Blue Temple. This one is less famous because the main structure was completed in 2016. However, the energy one can feel inside, is really special. Similar to the White Temple, The Blue Temple was built on the ruin of an abandoned temple, and it’s not finished yet , except for the main building and the Pagoda behind it.

Wat Rong Suea Ten – The Blue Temple (front side), Chiang Rai, Thailand, 2019
Wat Rong Suea Ten – The Blue Temple (back side), Chiang Rai, Thailand, 2019

The temple is dominated by the huge white Buddha statue representing his purity, and highlighted by the blue color used for both the interior and the exterior of the temple. Inside, the contrast between white and blue gives you a surrealistic image. It’s like the peace of the entire universe takes shape in the Buddha’s statues and becomes part of you. It’s like you finally found a materialization of your inner being and have an unique chance to look in its eyes.

Wat Rong Suea Ten – The Blue Temple, Chiang Rai, Thailand, 2019
Wat Rong Suea Ten – The Blue Temple, Thailand, 2019
Wat Rong Suea Ten – The Blue Temple, Chiang Rai, Thailand, 2019
Wat Rong Suea Ten – The Blue Temple, Chiang Rai, Thailand, 2019
Wat Rong Suea Ten – The Blue Temple, Chiang Rai, Thailand, 2019
Wat Rong Suea Ten – The Blue Temple, Chiang Rai, Thailand, 2019

The feelings I had in this temple are unique and difficult to be explained. One must see it and experience it in her / his own body and consciousnesses to be able to understand what I am trying to say. So, if I would have the chance to go back to Chiang Rai, I would definitely spend some days in this temple.

Wat Rong Suea Ten – The Blue Temple, Chiang Rai, Thailand, 2019
Wat Rong Suea Ten – The Blue Temple, Chiang Rai, Thailand, 2019
Wat Rong Suea Ten – The Blue Temple, Chiang Rai, Thailand, 2019

Both temples are amazing and I recommend to anyone going to Thailand to jump in a car from Chiang Mai, travel for 7 hours to Chiang Rai and back, and see both structures. The difference between them is that The White Temple looks more touristic and the visitors are so many, while The Blue Temple is more like a home for your Soul.

Wat Rong Suea Ten – The Blue Temple, Chiang Rai, Thailand, 2019
Wat Rong Suea Ten – The Blue Temple, Chiang Rai, Thailand, 2019

Morale of the day: sometimes worth to do an effort like traveling for 7 hours with the bus, then jump in a local bus just to experience something you don’t see in your daily life, and you might not have a second chance to go there in this life.

Chiang Rai public transportation to White Temple, Thailand, 2019
Wat Rong Khun – The White Temple, Chiang Rai, Thailand, 2019
Wat Rong Suea Ten – The Blue Temple, Chiang Rai, Thailand, 2019

To be continued…

I am an independent writter, so if you like my stories, I invite you to support my activity with a donation.


Getting lost in a Thai forest by night

After walking twice the Way of Saint James (Camino de Santiago) in Spain and Portugal, I know very well that when you start your journey with another person, you accept the challenge of sharing his / her experiences as well. So, I accepted to do this trip with a friend and after a full day on the Ocean visiting the Islands, we decided to build a more adventurous day, walking to see another beach, approximately 4 km away from Patong.

Freedom Beach Forest, Patong, Thailand, 2019
Freedom Beach Forest, Thailand, 2019

The journey was not easy, as we started walking around midday, after having a late breakfast. And when I say “not easy”, I mean it. I love walking when it’s hot outside, but the 90% of the way was without shadow at all, and we had 38 degrees Celsius, feeling like 45. 😳

We were walking up and down on the mountains, under the heet, but the beautiful scenary was like a fresh breeze helping us to go ahead.

Outside Patong on the main way to Freedom Beach, Thailand, 2019
Freedom Beach forest, Thailand, 2019

Exhausted, we reached Freedom Beach around 1 pm, after crossing a small and beautiful forest and escalating some rocks to be able to reach the most beautiful part of the beach.

Freedom Beach, Thailand, 2019
Freedom Beach, Thailand, 2019

We’ve spent the entire day there, till almost the sunset. The water had an emerald color and was extremely inviting, so the first thing we did was to take a swimm. After so much heet, that bath in the Ocean feeled like a real divine blessing. Later, the palms offered us the perfect shadow and protected us from the hungry sun rays.

Freedom Beach, Thailand, 2019

While we were walking on the beach, we found this small and cute crab crossing the beach and making his own way towards the shadow.

Freedom Beach, Thailand, 2019

Around 6 pm, we decided to hit the road back to Patong. Following my friend’s idea, we tried a new path along the forest. We’ve noticed the way was heading in the other direction, but my friend kept hoping the new path will meet the one we did when we arrived at Freedom Beach. The nicest thing was walking bare foot and feeling the dust and the small rocks under your own feet.

Freedom Beach Forest, Thailand, 2019
Freedom Beach Forest, Thailand, 2019

At a certain point we were sweting while climbing the mountain and we transformed our bodies into a great luxurious dinner for the mosquitos. Awful feeling! Soon everything was dark around us and the sound of the forest changed into a new song while the leafs starting to move like in a horror movie. We put our shoes on, and proceed quickly towards the light.

Soon we reached the first local houses in the forest, and 20 minutes after we were back on the main road to Patong, walking along with cars, tuk-tuks, motorbike and all kind of local vehicles.

Morale of the day: when you are looking for an adventure, you may find it right over the corner. So, always be careful what you wish for! 😜

Freedom Beach, Thailand, 2019
Freedom Beach, Thailand, 2019
Freedom Beach, Thailand, 2019

To be continued…

I am an independent writter, so if you like my stories, I invite you to support my activity with a donation.


When you say Thailand, you say ”The Beach”

When you say Thailand, you suddenly think about beautiful white sand islands. Everyone remembers the famous movie “The beach” with Leonardo di Caprio and is sending you messages like: Your pictures made me remember “The Beach”!

I must confess I did not see the movie, but I had to see the beach itself. So, I booked a tour with a speed boat to see: Phi Phi Islands, Khai Island, Monkey Beach, The Vikings Cave, and Maya Bay, where the movie was done.

The nice thing is that when you book a trip, they are coming to pick you up from the hotel, even if you book a shuttle bus to get you back to the airport.

So, my adventures started at 8 am, when the driver pick me and other people up from the hotel, to drive us to the boat in Phuket where we had a snack before starting our journey on the Ocean.

Ao Por Pier, Phuket, Thailand, 2019

After half an hour, our first stop was on Khai Island, where I tried snorkeling for the first time in my life. Once you try it, you will fall in love with the sea life! It was so amazing to see the fishes swimming near me. They were curious and they really looked playful. Khai is a very small Island, but looks like a real Paradise and I almost forgot I cut my hand and my leg in the slippery rocks, following the fishes. 🤪

Khai Island, Thailand, 2019
Khai Island, Thailand, 2019
Khai Island, Thailand, 2019

After an hour and a half, we reached Maya Bay, and we’ve seen the beach where the famous movie was shot. The beach is now a restricted area, closed by the government, so you cannot go on the beach. However, the boats can stop and you can swim in the Bay or do snorkeling.

Another “first time of my life” happened there. I tried to swim and to have a look at the sea life there, and it was amazing. Scary, but amazing! Scary at the beginning, because I have this fear of profound water higher than my own height. The good news is that after winning the battle with my mind, I was able to put on my snorkeling mask and have tale a look. The water was so clear, and the fishes so colorful, so this experience made my day!

Maya Bay (The Beach), Thailand, 2019
Maya Bay, Thailand, 2019

Vikings Cave was the next story. It’s a cave where even today some gypses are still living there, harvesting birds’ nests. The cave received this name based on the paintings that were found on the walls of the cave: different kind of boats, some of them representing a Scandiavian boat.  

Vikings Cave, Thailand, 2019

Next stop was at the Monkey Beach, where we had the chance to see and feed some monkeys near the boat. We were not allowed to jump on the beach as they me be unpredictable and if they bite you, you can get infected. However, witnessing one of them eating the bananas we were throwing from the boat, was a great experience.

Monkey Beach, Thailand, 2019
Monkey Beach, Thailand, 2019

The last stop was on the Phi Phi Don Island, where we had lunch and I had the most delicious potatoes with some red sweet sauce. We had almost 2 hours to visit the island, which I did and I had the chance to discover the mighty forests and especially the mangroves. For one that was crazy about world geography, it was great seeing them and adding another “checked” to the list of my dreams as a child. I had a good walk on the Island discovering new things, and after that I returned to the boat.

Phi Phi Don Island, Thailand, 2019
Phi Phi Don Island, Thailand, 2019
Phi Phi Don Island, Thailand, 2019
Phi Phi Don Island, Thailand, 2019
Phi Phi Don Island, Thailand, 2019

Another hour of “flying” on the water and my day ended gloriously with some dreams coming true and some mind blockages overcome.

Phi Phi Islands, Thailand, 2019

Morale of the day: beyond the thinkable is the unthinkable. Take a step towards it and your deepest fear will become your greatest success!

Maya Bay, Thailand, 2019

To be continued…  

I am an independent writter, so if you like my stories, I invite you to support my activity with a donation.