PETRA, the City of the Magic Fire (1st part)
My first day in Petra was full of surprises! I reached the Visitor Center at 11:30 am, due to the fact that I was not able to sleep and I was very sick. A mysterious cold came out of nowhere to keep me company in the so called “City of mysteries”.
The accomodation was 4 km away from Petra’s Visitor Center, somewhere outside Wadi Musa. In the begining of November at 11:30 am we had already 19 Celsius degrees, but if you are under the “spell of a fever”, it feels damn hot!
The first thing you have to do, is to check-in with your Jordan Pass and receive Petra’s ticket, or buy one if you don’t have a Jordan Pass. Once you’ve got your ticket, you proceed to the entrance where a guy is cheking it together with your passport and Jordan Pass. This happened for us only the second day. The first day the guy only asked for the ticket and welcomed us with a big smile.
Once you get to the checking point, you will find a lot of local people offering you a horse, telling you that is for free if your have a Jordan Pass, which is true, but on the way they will start to ask or negociate with you for a tip which is not cheap at all. So, if you can walk, just walk and ignore the offers on the way that will come to you several times.
For someone like me, that has never seen something like this before, walking The Siq – the amazing Canyon leading to the Treasury, was just breath taking. Even under the fever my Soul and my Mind enjoyed every step, every rock, every light coming from above and creating an entire picture with so many different colors that my camera will never be able to catch.
Walking among all these amazing shapes that nature built ages ago, it’s hard not to think about the power of creation and mostly how small you are in the middle of these mighty Canyons that once where under the water. There is this feeling growing inside that you have the chance to witness something majestous, something completly outside of your own reality. And this feeling is growing step by step towards the Treasury.
And there it is! This huge building they say it was built by the Nabateans, the Arabic nomads that came into this land in the 4th century BC. If you sit and just look at this building, it is hard not to think about the tools this nomadic people where bringing with them to cut the stone in such perfect angles and came up with these perfect shape. Honestly, the most credible thought would be that this shape was done by an elevated civilization, equipped with such tools able to cut in the mountain perfect shapes and small details that probably we are not able to reproduce today with such accuracy.
So, sitting there and just watching these details, I felt like being beaming up to another planet. Actually, that was my main feeling in Petra, that I am walking on another planet, stepping into the footprints of an ancient and enlightened civilization leaving behind a small prove of what it used to be their natural environment.
That’s why I spent a lot of time and energy before and at the Treasury itself. And, I must confess that Petra was one of my dreams for more than 10 years now. Hence, being there and living my dream, was a gift from the Gods or just the gift of my pure intention, will and manifestation in this life.
I was able to visit all the sites before the Great Temple. Then my fever hit and I felt like dying there. Everything was burning, the Sun outside and the fever inside my body. The burning was so intense and I felt like falling and passing away. This made me stop for a while and rest and then getting back to the Visitor Center. That’s how I had to leave my dream back there for a night.
To be continued…
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